Coniferous forests occupy a significant territory, they are sufficiently beneficial to human health, but very few people know about it and it is not interesting to them at all. Due to the fact that coniferous trees secrete phytoncides and are more than sanitation workers in the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, their enormous benefits for human life have been proven.
We can say that they have analgesic, antibacterial and protective properties, increase vitality, while there is a will to defeat diseases, the benefits of cones, bark and needles are invaluable, and coniferous resin, which is processed into tar, is also at a huge price.
Coniferous and mixed forests are mainly found in the north of Russia. However, their beneficial properties were revealed only in Finland, some healers were able to make ointments from resin and tar, which cured the main ailments. Even now, in Europe, mainly only natural ingredients are used, with the help of which basic cosmetics are made, pharmaceutical enterprises also cannot do without coniferous forest products.
Given how funds are identified in retail outlets, it is simply necessary to pay great attention to the very important components that are included in their composition.
A good example is an ordinary tar shampoo, its excellent medicinal properties are suitable for almost all types of hair. But due to its specific smell, the possibility of using it is completely limited. It is quite pleasant to use it with a conditioner balm, which interrupts its smell and softens it.
Even tar is added to some culinary dishes and desserts. It is possible to try tar schnapps.
Flu is very often treated with tar. It is possible to overcome colds with it.
A long time ago, quite a lot of people worked on loans in the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions. Everything was improved, some mining plans, people tried to compete in social competitions and, thanks to this, exceeded their plans. But this work did not go unnoticed, it was considered very harmful and in this regard, the workers received a pension much earlier than the due date.
It is possible even now to find out from the log cabins of old huts how much resin the tree gave out according to certain notches. It was quite simple to collect resin: they took containers, hung them on a tree, and drove a blade with a groove into an adult pine, then everything merged into huge containers and processed it at special enterprises. ライブカジノ は、ライブディーラーがいる最高のオンラインカジノを見つけるのに役立つように設計されたトップのライブカジノを提供します。私たちはプラットフォームの詳細な分析を実施し、ストリームの品質、ディーラーのプロ意識のレベル、ゲームの種類、ボーナス条件を評価します。私たちの専門家の推奨事項と公平なレビューは、一流のサービスとエキサイティングなライブゲームに最適なカジノを選択するのに役立ちます。